A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans

Age 13, Male


UCA Maidstone


Joined on 6/6/03

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eddsworld's News

Posted by eddsworld - January 10th, 2011

Zanta Claws III came first in the December monthlies? Wooaah.. Mega thanks to everyone who voted for it, it's always an honour! Also thank to everyone for the general positive feedback on Zanta III, it means a lot! I've also found i have two flashes that made it into the 2010 portal history! I've never even had one in there before so i'm pretty honoured!
In other news i'm working on a triple bill of stuff, a university project, Hammer & Fail 2 and a shocking secret project :O


Posted by eddsworld - October 28th, 2010

It's my birthday today :)


Posted by eddsworld - July 19th, 2010

So yeah in a day or so i'm going to be heading out to San Diego with Tom and Matt to the Comic-con! Thought i'd just make a post on here so people know and such. Should be pretty fun seeing all these famous internet, film and tv people around. Might even have the guts to go to one of those portfolio reviews, who knows.
So yeah let me know if you're attending, would be fun to know whose gunna be there.


Posted by eddsworld - May 28th, 2010

So yeah, me and my co-creator Ross have finally finished our animation for the end of our second year of university. It's pretty different to what i usually do, so it was fun to try something new to me. We pretty much split the workload down the middle between us. Anyway, i hope you all enjoy it!

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Posted by eddsworld - May 11th, 2010

So yeah, for a long time me and Tom have had another series planned called'SuperAverage' and we're basically looking forBritish voices. Unfortunately we're strictly looking for voice actorswho are 16 or over and live in the UK. So if you think you have a good voice and some sense of an acting ability, then send an audio file showcasing your ability to tom at: tomska@cakebomb.co.uk



Posted by eddsworld - February 13th, 2010

What're you doin' wasting time reading this?

Go watch it here!

Hope you enjoy/enjoyed it!

WTFuture out now!


Posted by eddsworld - January 29th, 2010

So i guess it's time for an overdue update to my NG blog..

Firstly i'd like to say a massive thank you for anyone who helped make my xmas flash come eighth in the winter flash-off and sixth in the december monthlies, it really means a lot as it was different from my usual stuff and one of my first attempts at something like that.

Secondly, i'd just like to let you know i've been working on another eddsworld flash for the past few months called WTFuture, one of my favourites to work on so far and it should be out sometime in Febuary... hopefully..

Late update


Posted by eddsworld - October 13th, 2009

Finally the Eddsworld animation i was commissioned by tv/e to create has been released on their channel, so here it is and i hope you enjoy!

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Posted by eddsworld - June 29th, 2009

Hey guys, another dull post from me.. just letting you know whats coming up later this year..
Been working on some commissioned work for various people, but most recently a short eddsworld-related movie to be shown at the Copenhangen Climate Change Conference. It's a pretty awesome opportunity as over a hundred heads of state are said to be attending along with the possibilty of even President Obama. The movie is only going to be a couple of minutes in length, so hopefully it'll be finished and you'll be able to see it online before long!


Posted by eddsworld - May 9th, 2009

Seeing as my last blog post is way past it's expiry date and starting to smell like old discarded cheese, i thought it was time for a fresher update. I'm working on a few things at the moment, nothing huge though, due to the fact i have a fairly large project due for my university and such...
First of all is a music video for one of the shorter songs by Parry Gripp (of Do you like Waffles? fame), whom was kind enough to deem it an 'official' music video. :)
Second of all is another Koit/Eddsworld Collab, which will probably not be out for a while seeing as im working rather slowly on it. But this one will actually have some sort of plot (as random as it will probably be).

I leave you with this video i found on youtube, Never even seen Death note but it still made me laugh..

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P.S. Oh and seeing as all the cool kids have started using it again, i may as well post my twitter;