Great as always Edd.
If only these animations didnt take 3 months to create.
It would be uber-awesome then.
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 13, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03
Great as always Edd.
If only these animations didnt take 3 months to create.
It would be uber-awesome then.
Hopefully after uni they will be slightly easier to produce!
what the secret project i realy wont 2 know p.s i love your work i seen every think u have ever done and i love evey bit !
dude you have great flash videos ever since i first wached zanta
II i love your videos!
I'm new to newgrounds, and when I saw zanta claws 3 on the front page I watched it, then the rest of your animations. From there I decided to make an account so when I voted 5 on you anims my vote was worth more. Can't wait for hammer and fail 2.
its good to see you excited
Zanta Clawz 3 is my favorite Eddisode behind Hello Hellhole!
the best portal animator is taking on a secret project? no way man good luck(not sarcasm) i hope this will be even more awesome.
Hey Edd why do you draw Tom with no eyes, I mean he has them in his videos.
I can't wait for hammer and fail 2 :D I've watched all (hopefully) your flash cartoons!!! yay!!!!!
damn edd reminds me of me
i cant help to think edds world for the ps3 would be awsome
how about you and tom and matt travel to the year uhh... 2024? and saw the future tord there :3
How is it a shocking secret if you tell us its shocking hmmmm....
how about you and the gang signed up for Portal
you like trains?
and i know your secret project i heard you talk about it while i was hiding in your closet
the movie was good
edd respond to me if tord will get off his lazy ass and come back for next years zanta claus(or another video)
Can Tord Please Be Explain what happen to him in RL sinc eu base ur knick Knocks off of RL Agenda's
Tell me please,will it be Zanta IV in the next year?:)
Haha, unlikely.