Don't mind PandaBearKitten's post. She's been doing this to everyone.
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 13, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03
Don't mind PandaBearKitten's post. She's been doing this to everyone.
Sounds cool! :)
you know Doki's looking for voice actors for this new video and I think that it'd be cool if you collaborated with him.just go to <a href=""></a> and he might let you in the video.
luck wish I you
Thanks, Yoda.
yay your coming to demnark!!!!
you awesome
Great! Can't wait :).
keep up the good work
hey hed why did tord leave ????????
oh and todays my birthday
sweet man can't wait
you made me boogie for no reason at all.
can't wait
just had time and little 2-D dogs, enjoy ^_^
<a href=""> p?id=1234268</a>
<a href=""> p?id=1257444</a>
<a href=""> p?id=1257539</a>
<a href=""> p?id=1257384</a>
2-D dogs, time and bored, what do you get?
pets named after people on new grounds.
you know moviemakers well do a second part but a comedy insteed of a action or parody of famous movies
I can't go to your website anymore :(
man you have the baest videos
Yay, more flashes! It's about time you made another one. Let's hope it's not all Al Gore stuff and more Edd, Matt, and Tom humor. :3