Awesome work
It was very interesting seeing you take on so many styles and nailing them dead on. You have some serious talent, sir.
Awesome work
It was very interesting seeing you take on so many styles and nailing them dead on. You have some serious talent, sir.
Thanks, Edd! Glad you took a liking to my video
I wish the sheep would've turned to meat
Have to say this made me laugh a fair few times, particulary most of Jim's animated parts, purely because i had a similar experience playing Minecraft. Only complaint i can think of is you could of thrown in a couple more shots than just the basic midshot angle, it worked fine, but it could of made it a tad more varied. But it looks like you had a lot of fun making it, and i had a lot of fun watching it. Which is what you really want in the end!
THE Edd!?
The camera angles are something I regret. It made certain scenes feel incredibly stiff compared to others. I think that's why Duncan's scene, where he meets Betsy, is probably my favourite part of the animation, as it bounces around so much more and really adds some vibrancy to the animation. Something I wish i invested some more time into.
Cheers for the review - seriously cool to hear from an animator who created some of my favourite classics on NG.
Loved it all
Honestly kept my interested the entire time. Sure some writing was missing here and there (why were they suddenly working for the mafia?) but overall the style and animation more than made up for it. The voices for each character were also spot on - So great job guys, really fantastic!
Thanks so much! Yes, I totally understand that things could go about a little fast. We tried to make it short (for some secret reason), so that may have resulted in squeezing stuff together a little. They were working for the mafia because they were so depressed, hopeless and down in the underground criminal environment (lol). Thank you!
From good to amazing
At first glance, i wasn';t really sure what to think, it looked alright. But the use of the lighting and music really makes you feel involved with the whole thing. The whole plot and ending didn't feel too forced or cliched, even though im sure a similar story has been done before. So great job! also i loved that lighting on the bus.. :D
Whoa eddsworld! Thanks, the bus was probably the most complicated,confusing tweening I've ever done :S
Pick up the pace!
Some good jokes and nice animation, all kind of ruined with the lack of pace. The titles between every sketch really slow things down, as well as a few of the shorts being incredibley watered down for what they need to be. But hey, it has potential!
Yeah, what I really should've done was remove the titles and just have a half a second colour bar separate each skit.. Next episode wont suffer such problems, thanks man.
I've always wondered how oragami would look animated, and you did it perfectly. One thing though, it seems you made the flapping crane, which is good and all, it is the best one, but you didn't show it flap it's wings by pinching the lowest part of the neck and pulling the tail. I thought it would look pretty cool animated too :P
stop telling lies Edd, LIES.
flapping crane indeed, who ever heard of such a thing :3
Gotta love typograhanimation!
Loved the animation, although it relied heavily on the sound. Not saying it's a bad thing, that's what it should do really. I'm just saying, that was the glue holding this sandwich together, without that it would just be bread. Yeah. A glue sandwich..
I completely agree :) I've made no claims that the comedic success of this animation is of my own doing. I give much of the credit to D-Mac for the amazing voicing, the serendipitous combination of O Fortuna, Rhete for making the game, and Axmas13 for reviewing it.
At the heart of it, I'm just a fan.
At first i felt it might get old fast, but i was soon prooved wrong. The British voice added a lot of humour for me, but i think that is just me... But it made me laugh on more than one ocassion, so well done!
Wow! Just noticed this comment was from Eddsworld! Awesome, your cartoons are sweet man! Glad you liked it.
Some sexy direction/animation/lighting there
Fantastic work yet again Chris, i had to watch it a couple of times to soak all the goodness in though. The music and lighting in particular were some of the best i've seen around.. I would of laughed more had i not been admiring them. My oooonnly concern is that sometimes the speed of it all would make some parts hard to follow, like when he goes out to get the trash, i had no idea what was going on the first few times i saw that just because it happened so fast and you dont really have a chance to hear what is said. But other than a tiny, tiny problem with the pace of it, this is one of the finest things you have ever produced :)
ya its a bit hectic at the start, i think it comes to a nice pace in the middle tho ;) thanks eddy pies
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03