why do i need to label this fine piece of art
cool man!, the cattle field was very funny. but there was no milk or mooing to be seen ? :P
why do i need to label this fine piece of art
cool man!, the cattle field was very funny. but there was no milk or mooing to be seen ? :P
Thanks for the review, lol.
p.s. Make sure to check out www.StickToons.net ;)
nice touch
The only bad thing is you included number 8 and 10, the worst ones in the series...
and where is nine??
best thing was the sephirtoth theme thing :P:P
Sorry, never played nine...
he he he he.. he eats the guy it is good!
Incredibly Fujny! AAAAaargh!
The best bits are wen he tries to talk!!! But one thijng, when he played the ocarana he either played song of storms or sun song, and niether of thoise are supposed to warp you....
eh..I tihnk it was the kokariki song, which warps you to the forest temple or something..
Meh, i mean Link can't even talk, hurt innocent people or lose memory by a single tree bumb, so it was fiction anyway
listen, im british and i dont have a clue what a 'scally' is. is it like an english 'jock'? andyway just wanna say. i know some goths they are quite cool. but dont let them near knives... jkz
im on the goths side. whos side are you on?
Hehe, in the Author comments of my first movie i explain what a Scallie is... I also badly explain what a 'Goth' is... I am not on anyones side really but i have far more respect for Goths than i do for scallies coz all scallies do is fight all day
i luva luva luv u!
best ending ever! MNy nost favourite clock i could see in the background at the end was freddy kouger clock. what was yours? totallly unpredictable :D
His names actually Nightmare Clock. One of my fave's is bgryder Clock. He's a severed head. Thanks for the support.
cant view it it freezes after the meeting!!!
So just because you have a crappy computer you blame me for it?...Ooops, sorry you don't answer. I didnt see your "I'm an idiot" sign. Never mind.
i cant wait for the real thing! is it going to be all three or will it have the very, very first one 'within the woods' in it too?
Hmmm... maybe... but it wasnt REALLY part of the Evil Dead, what does everyone else think? Lemme know, My Email address is on the page!
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03