Pretty jealous i wasn't a part of this, then again i would of been terrible. I watched the whole thing and it was one of the funniest flashes i've seen in a while, so great job guys!
Pretty jealous i wasn't a part of this, then again i would of been terrible. I watched the whole thing and it was one of the funniest flashes i've seen in a while, so great job guys!
thanks edd i don't hate you much
Haha creative
Some nice style ya got there, good punchline too. Well done :D
Haha, that ending was amazing.
Genuinely funny moments in there, mixed with a rather horrible one when he arrives home.. Also all the music from Zombies ate my neighbours you used really sold it for me. Some cracks in the artowkr, story and audio. But there more than enough potential here to make up for it :D
haha wow thanks man, i was debating to use the music or not cause it could really go both ways but glad i did :D and glad you liked it
Awesome to see you finally submitting it here
Some really solid writing, funny jokes and great animation. The only drawbacks whatsoever in my opinion was some of the voice acting, it just didn't quite sell the jokes for me in the way it should've and a few of the background could of used a couple more props or somethign to spice them up. But that's really the only things holding this back from being 100% amazing. Great job :D
I am always having the most millions of problems with props in the BGs. They tend to be really stale as a result. My eternal hope is that people are too busy paying attention to the characters in the foreground to notice.
So good
Professional all around from head to toe. Loved the angles this time around, that was probably what sold it for me. Especially the street race kind of scene. Top notch work as usual!
Thanks old chap! :D
So amazing
The animation could of been better, but the humour is what sells it for me. By the end i was singing along with it.. loved the ending too.
The idea started as just sending him one drawing a day, but then we kept one-upping each other and ended up with this.
Nice flash :)
Love your character designs.. Great voices too.. Some great animation topped it off, However it was not as funny to me as your previous episode, but actually better written in some aspects, but damn those monks were amazing.
lol the monks were probably the least thought out, but hey, if it works! i like them too. they remind me of muppets.
OH, and i love you :)
Have to say i didn't see that ending coming, great work as always man.. It's a pity those backgrounds got so pixelated when you had closer shots though D:
Yeah, that's GMod screen resolution + Flash-exported JPGs for you though. Even with the quality at 100% they still look nicer in the Flash "stage" than the final SWF. If I did a sequel I'd still do the same thing though. :)
Was a nice little flash, although i don't think you should of just based it around something so random. It would make more sense if there was a story and then you had the random thrown in on top of that. I know it's probably not very clear, but there was some possibility of a good flash here.
No, I understand. I should try working on the pacing, too. But I'll take your word for it.
Thanks for reviewing!
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03