Nice flash :)
Love your character designs.. Great voices too.. Some great animation topped it off, However it was not as funny to me as your previous episode, but actually better written in some aspects, but damn those monks were amazing.
Nice flash :)
Love your character designs.. Great voices too.. Some great animation topped it off, However it was not as funny to me as your previous episode, but actually better written in some aspects, but damn those monks were amazing.
lol the monks were probably the least thought out, but hey, if it works! i like them too. they remind me of muppets.
OH, and i love you :)
Have to say i didn't see that ending coming, great work as always man.. It's a pity those backgrounds got so pixelated when you had closer shots though D:
Yeah, that's GMod screen resolution + Flash-exported JPGs for you though. Even with the quality at 100% they still look nicer in the Flash "stage" than the final SWF. If I did a sequel I'd still do the same thing though. :)
Was a nice little flash, although i don't think you should of just based it around something so random. It would make more sense if there was a story and then you had the random thrown in on top of that. I know it's probably not very clear, but there was some possibility of a good flash here.
No, I understand. I should try working on the pacing, too. But I'll take your word for it.
Thanks for reviewing!
I really wish we didn't submit on the same day, yours is going to wipe the floor with mine! Good job making it so fast and nice choice of cameos, the animation wasn't much but it suited the length. Good job :)
thanks man, i actually noticed that after and felt bad coz i loved yours. i hope my score lowers for ya :P you did a great job and i voted 5! :D
and yeah not much to offer with the animation there, i had 2 weeks lol. forgive meh.
merry christmas man!
Still love this with a passion
I remember seeing this on Vimeo and i still think it's as awesome as i did then, i love all of it, especially the music and sfx. Seriously good job man :)
thanks edd! gee hee, a NG celebrity likes it.
Can't pass up an opportunity to review the latest Adam Philips flash while it's under judgement! Superb as usual, but one of my favourite you've made so far because thanks to the narration you find out a lot more about Bitey and his world, which draws you in to the story - Can't wait to see the next installation.
Thanks for the review and glad you like it! Grateful that anyone around here remembers me :P
Ingenious idea :D
A really creative concept, reminds me of Comix Zone, Simple animation but that's all it needs. The story itself was alright, although it could of done without the agents, personally they kind of ruined the story by relating it to the Matrix and that whole area. But the escape scenes and way he used the comic world were really nice. Great idea for a flash :)
The gun one really got me laughing, some really awesome sketches. Great job guys :)
Red vs Yellow: Race crime?
Haha, love this idea and you executed it awesomely. Really reminds me of the stuff on Youtube by PEZ films, which are also pretty awesome. Good stuff!
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03