What a lovely person
As great as Jerry, if not, better. I just really like i when people kee continuity like that, kind of like Back to the Future 2. I also can't believe i didn't realise where she was from til half way through.
What a lovely person
As great as Jerry, if not, better. I just really like i when people kee continuity like that, kind of like Back to the Future 2. I also can't believe i didn't realise where she was from til half way through.
This is one of the best parodies i have seen in my entire life. I'm going to be singing this every time someone mentions the watchmen FOREVER. I hope you're happy.
Oh god its so horrible and so brilliant
I love the fact by the end of the flash i was litereally covering my mouth with my hand in disgust, haha. Also this looked like it was good practice for Tom.. sort of...
I loved the pun at the end, and the whole idea of the flash. However the animation in it irritated me, not sure why, might be the fact they were stickmen, but i understand how difficult and tedious traditional animation is, so i can see how much effort there is in this. I look forward to more! :D
Been waiting for this for a looooong time, it was great seeing it all together - the plot wasn't as i imagined and was a lot more original than i thought it'd be! Some really nice animation in there, and the style of the whole thing was unique too. So a definite five and a fave from me....
Oh and cameo get C:
shit... forgot to say that in credits... haha, sorry bout that.
Attention everyone!
Cameo of Edd in Eddsworld.
Great stuff guys!
The sprite animation and voice acting were top notch as expected, lookin forward to next years installment perhaps?
no more :(
na i dunno XD but probably not... actually it depends on if dmac does another song for me again!
Great short
If it had more inbetweens it would've been perfect, i'd be lying if i didn't say it didn't make me laugh though :D
I agree, I couldve had it very smooth if I tweened up parts more as well, but I just wanted to fbf this and just have fun.
Damn, i want spider powers now..
Great flash, the animation and drawing was very South-park-esque, so it wasn't great (although the spider powers animation impressed me), but that isn't the main feature of this animation. What attracts me most is the oriignal songs and lyrics you composed, which were really impressive to me (not to forget catchy!) Even from last years installment, i have been humming that main Spider-powers tune all year. The humour wasn't hilarious, but it made me laugh a fair few times, more so than the last part so that's an improvement! And the twist in the story suprised me in this one, and offered a different story from the usual Santa flashes. :)
Good luck in the contest and merry christmas, Dom!
It ended just as, if not better, as it started
Loved this installment, may of been shorter than others, but it's exactly what you wanted to happen as it tied up all the loose ends and twice as frantic.
Now all we need is a NG collection page for 'There she is!' :D
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03