Very Cool Movie!
I really really like the song, it goes weel with the sng, i liek the ending, its really fun!
Very Cool Movie!
I really really like the song, it goes weel with the sng, i liek the ending, its really fun!
um mate, good movie and all.
but thank the musician.. final fantasy seven. dont think we didnt recognize it :P
Great work!
This Was a very good piece of stick flash, the first scene was a bit, dodgy, cuz i thought it was all gunna be like tht, then it came to the 3d bits! it was lireally stunning, then the ending is absouloutley hilarious!
maybe you could do a 3d thing for me one day, perhaps? :P anyway... i mark this [AWESOME 3D TALENT]
i just didnt get the idea.... it was weird
viewtiful... just viewtiful...
w00t! viewtiful joe rocks! how could he sya it sucks???? the next ne if you do one should be basically viewtiful joe s game with zomies!!
listen, im british and i dont have a clue what a 'scally' is. is it like an english 'jock'? andyway just wanna say. i know some goths they are quite cool. but dont let them near knives... jkz
im on the goths side. whos side are you on?
Hehe, in the Author comments of my first movie i explain what a Scallie is... I also badly explain what a 'Goth' is... I am not on anyones side really but i have far more respect for Goths than i do for scallies coz all scallies do is fight all day
i luva luva luv u!
best ending ever! MNy nost favourite clock i could see in the background at the end was freddy kouger clock. what was yours? totallly unpredictable :D
His names actually Nightmare Clock. One of my fave's is bgryder Clock. He's a severed head. Thanks for the support.
thank you for blessing me with this movie! it should be the number one of all time... FOREVER!
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03