Good audio
No retarded soldier guys
Bad drawings
Bad animation
Bad jokes
Not funny
Next time, please animate them a LITTLE, not just awkwardly, then you will get a 4 maybe even 5
Good audio
No retarded soldier guys
Bad drawings
Bad animation
Bad jokes
Not funny
Next time, please animate them a LITTLE, not just awkwardly, then you will get a 4 maybe even 5
Good good
the graphics are sloppy, but thats the way i like it. good ide, althoguh there were one or two bitsof animatin that bugged me.
good job anyway
owkay, thanks for the comment
This is classic ever since i saw it on your site a while ago. and i love the fact the dog thinks he is smarter than he is ha ha.
episode two should be good, he should meet some more 'super special' friends.
Finally a Bad guys episode that made me laugh. my only complaint was that there should be more slose ups of the characters :P
Yeah, that'd be good. I was thinking of changing up the perspective a little more, like I did in Heaven during the music. I didn't do much of that in Hell. I'll keep it in mind.
Best part of the whole thing was the pic at the end, and that wasnt amazing, but it deserves a 3. Next time id liek to see Just2Pales legs for once :P
Yeah if you want to delete it change the name to deleted and change the swf to a blank one. when they see it they will blam it.
Oh man that was brillaint
i really enjoyed this, i loved the whole hentai girl who speaks japnese yet gets raped by a tentacle monster like in every hentai.
(ive proberly made more people clikc as soon as they read that)
and then when they went int eh basement i was thinking about evil dead, and then BAM evil dead reference.
it made me laugh out loud, and the person who did the voice was very good at it, i was suprsied. This film has the three things i like wrapped in a nutshell. Mario (nintendo), Hentai and of course evil dead. and the stories of mario were very well done, i liked the way they were drawn.
i hope in another episode (if you are to make another) you will have more mario, hentai and evil dead refrences :P, but this is very good and you are going into my favourite authors - because i expect more excellent icon episodes to come out soon.
another thing, please get a website - because id love to watch these at college, but my college has a block on newgrounds. if you dont know how or where to make one, you can email me, but seriously i would really like to see a website from you where people could send fan mail, fan art and such. i thought you had an website when i saw icon episode one a while ago, but maybe i was wrong.
So all in all, a very funny flash, good animation and many references to things i like. im voting 5 and adding you to my favourite artists.
And i like the fact theres another guy who likes the things i like :D
***** 5 stars
Sweet deal!!
Not as good as you were before the large gap of..nothing.. but this is still good.
Oh man
This wouldve got a 5, if it wasnt for Wonchops part - he ruined the whole damn song when he inturuppted it - like trash lock did in the svae tnoight collab.
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03