I haven't posted here in a while, so i thought I'd let people on Newgrounds know what i was up to..
I've been rather busy settling into my university, which by an odd coincidence is the same one HappyHarry87 goes to (even though he's on a different campus) - My actual course (Animation Arts) so far has been pretty fun, even though we haven't actually started any proper animations yet, just short little group projects and storyboards.
What kind of worries me is that a few of my classmates had already seen my animations before, which was a bit surreal for me - ha ha. One of which is a NG user who goes by the name rz-stick so be sure to go look at his stuff!
In animation news, i have been working hard on my next flash, but its taking longer than usual sheerly down to the fact i have been busy with moving and life and boring stuff like that, but i have a good feeling it might be done by the end of the month.. maybe the start of the next.
So yeah, just letting people know i'm still alive.
Heh, I reckon that would be a cool, but weird experience to meet some of your fans in real life who you don't already know personally