A university of animators?
Sounds like a dream.
A webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans
Age 12, Male
UCA Maidstone
Joined on 6/6/03
A university of animators?
Sounds like a dream.
Good to know you're still alive, I hope you do wel in university man, should be cool :D I'm off to music college really cus I can't just be sitting down all day animating, I'm a more stand-up DOING man, lol. anyway, it's what you like to do, so good luck with it, and can't wait for your next movie to come out... wait a second if you can't wait that sounds like "oh er, I've got other plans, I cant wait, sorry!" nah kidding, this should look good :)
Thanks and good luck with your music course!
what's the new animation about? i'd like to know more about it.....
i keep my blog updated with more news on the current flash C:
My hired guns have failed me once again. You still live.
You call those guns? i thought they were kittens.
Get ready to do that thing called old traditional animation.
Been doing that for a while, but i recently did it using a lightbox which was cool.
A university of animators?
Sounds like a dream.
Hey I'm going to university too. That doesn't really matter here though. I love your style, hopefully NGers will get to enjoy it for many more years.
Make sure to show us your University-Films some day. :)
Shouldn't it be 'Chork Pops'? I mean, sicne you left the 'H' in Chork.
Damn, you've got me there.
yeah i was just looking around on NG and saw your post on the front page
anyway are you gonna make a halloween episode?
Maybe, but it's not looking likely..
another question i always wanted to ask you is why don't you sell your T-shirts over NG?
Because NG has good shirts and mine would ruin that xD
Yes... I can't wait for it... :D
good luck on school, mate. nice flash!
oh s***. edd got spotted by......something? anyways, good luck on your next animation! can't wait to laugh my ass off!
Yay! Always good to hear that you're still pumping out the funny :D. I'd raise my kids on your flash movies!
Did you just call my animations 'farts'? Because thats a pretty good comparison
hey ur not dead ^_^
wat killed u
Godzilla and a pancake
That's really awesome to meet a fan unintentionally. . hopefully he is not one to act like a BEST FRIEND SINS YOU ARE FAMUZZZ Kinda guy though. That would be gay, I would tell them to go away. ;D
yeah, luckily they were not crazy.. oh and thanks for the cameo in that collab :P
Heh, I reckon that would be a cool, but weird experience to meet some of your fans in real life who you don't already know personally